• If you are selected to participate in the semi-finals or finals, you give the Bologna
    International Vocal Competition rights to use videos and pictures of you for promotion
  • If you are selected to participate in the semi-finals and choose to attend, you agree to pay
    the 100 euro registration fee at registration on 29 July 2023
  • If you are selected to participate in the semi-finals or finals, you agree to find lodging and
    transportation to ALL events required for the competition
  • If any event takes place which prevents you from being able to perform in the
    competition at any stage, you agree to not hold the Bologna International Vocal
    Competition liable and also understand that your 100 euro registration fee will NOT be
  • If declared a winner, you must provide bank account information where the prize money will be remitted by the end of September 2023
  • If declared a winner, you must perform at the winners’ concert on 1 August 2023 to receive your prize